A Date with a Doctor

It’s been ages, I know…I’m sorry. I’ve not been idle, but I haven’t had very much to share. Since I last posted about meeting the neurosurgeon I’ve been back up to Edinburgh to have my nerve block injection.

It went well, I think. I was a total jelly going in, anticipating the worst of course, but the doctor (who just so happened to look like Tony Hancock – I’m not sure if that reassured me or not, but it made me look at needles in a different way!) was just excellent. Calm and happy to calm me down, explaining every step as if he did this every day, which of course he does.


The whole procedure took about half an hour or so, with me lying on my stomach whilst initially I had a CT scan. Once the offending nerve was located (pictured here being squashed by the vertebrae moving into the nerve space) the doctor marked it with semi-permanent pen (thanks for that, now I look like a massive game of noughts and crosses!) and inserted anæsthetic. That was the most painful part. After that I couldn’t tell you what he did, had he not explained it all beforehand! I felt nothing.

A needle was inserted into the nerve root and a mix of cortisone and anæsthetic was pumped into the nerve. This will take up to two weeks to take effect and may last for up to a year.

Or it might not work at all.

After I waited for twenty minutes until the doctor came to check on how I was and then I was allowed to leave.

Now I have to wait. If the injection takes effect I could start walking on the treadmill and cycling on the stationery bike. I tried on Monday and managed 0.5 km in 10 mins walking (my limit!!) and cycled 5k in 13 mins (not my limit, but enough after the walk). As you can see my walking is especially affected. If it works I can start to build up fitness and core strength again. I can start to lose some weight.